

Homeowner Helpers: Top early spring maintenance tips

Homeowner HelpersIt’s been a long winter, but our top early spring maintenance tips will help make your home shipshape again as we head into warmer times.

You won’t get everything done in a weekend, so space the tasks out and tackle them a bit at a time. And, as always, be safe: if there’s anything you don’t feel comfortable with, call in a pro.

Your foundation

If you haven’t yet cleared all that snow away from your foundation, you better hop to it. Some of the stuff has already melted, but with warmer spring weather and rain, there’s still the risk of water pooling around your home and seeping into your basement.


Shovel the snow well away from the foundation so it can’t melt and flow back toward your home. Don’t forget to shovel out window wells.

If you have a lot of ice near the foundation, you may need to chisel out drainage channels for the water to flow away. Your best bet for the job is a proper ice chopper, not a shovel.

Choppers are less than $20 at hardware and building material stores, their long handles will save you a lot of stress and strain, and they usually last for years.


Got a sump pump?

If you have a sump pump, check the pump, float & discharge line and test that it’s working. You don’t want to discover there’s a problem after water has started coming in.

Slowly pour several litres of water into the pit to ensure the pump turns on. The lifespan of a sump pump is about 10 years, according to most sources. If yours is nearing retirement age, it may be a good idea to replace it before it has to start working overtime.

And if your basement is prone to water infiltration from spring runoff, lift anything that could be damaged off the floor.


MORE: Monthly maintenance routine pays off

Get at those gutters

As soon as it’s safe to work on a ladder early spring maintenance tips(that means when all the ice and snow are gone), clean your gutters of leaves and other debris, check your downspouts for good flow and tight connections, and make sure any downspout extensions take the water away from your home to a lower part of the yard.

More tips on gutter cleaning here.


Don’t forget your attic

After all the snow and ice this winter, you need to ensure there are no leaks in the attic. Look for wet spots or water staining on the underside of the roof and moisture or mould on the insulation.

While you’re at it, check for mice and other critters that may have taken up residence in the attic. Mice can probably be eliminated with traps, but anything bigger like a squirrel will likely require the services of a pro.

Beyond the attic

Building on the previous point, it’s important to look for leaks and mould in all areas of your home. Check windows, doors, bathrooms and other areas where water damage could occur.


Address mould issues immediately.

For minor surface mould, often found on window sills and around bathtubs, treat with Concrobium Mold Control, which comes recommended by both our home improvement columnist, Steve Maxwell, and celebrity contractor Mike Holmes.

If you have a large amount of mould, contact a remediation company to dispose of it properly. More on dealing with mould.


Originally published March 15, 2019

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