Spring is still a few weeks away, so now is a good time to catch up on indoor chores with our February home maintenance checklist.
These 5 DIY tasks will help keep your home organized, clean and safe.
Need help with bigger home maintenance chores? Check our directory for reliable professionals in the Ottawa area.
1. Grocery bags can make you sick
As we shift away from single-use plastics, reuseable bags will become more commonplace. But you need to clean those bags so they don’t make you sick.
2. How old are those pills anyway?
It’s easy to let medicines sit around until way past their expiry date. Here’s how to dispose of prescription and over-the-counter medications safely.
3. Photo overload
Get out from under that mountain of digital and print memories: Organize and store your photos efficiently.
4. Homegrown and green
Commercial cleaning products are pricey and may not be environmentally friendly. Here’s how to make your own household cleaners.
5. Bathroom upkeep
Cracked or missing caulk around your bathtub and sink allows water seepage, which can cause mould and structural damage. Repairing it is an easy DIY project.
Got a maintenance task you’re not sure how to do?
Drop us a line at info@allthingshome.ca or message us through Facebook.