

Furniture care, restoration and repair

Furniture care means quality pieces will last not just a lifetime but multiple generations. That care involves some work and expense, but both are worth the investment when it means beautiful furniture now and into the future.

Remember, too, that the cost of upkeep will likely never amount to what you would pay to replace a well-made item with one of equal quality. Plus, throwing stuff out unnecessarily is an environmental no-no.

Restoring wood’s deep lustre

Wood furniture can take a particular beating. Fortunately, scratches, dings and even water marks from drinking glasses can often be repaired or at least minimized without the messy business of stripping and refinishing the piece. Check here for helpful ideas on techniques and tools for restoring the beauty of tired-looking wood.


If your wood furniture needs more than just surface treatment, stripping and refinishing is also within reach of the average homeowner. Remember to read all the instructions on tins of furniture stripper, stain and sealer and to wear gloves, safety glasses and a mask. And do the work in a well-ventilated area.

MORE: How to care for your furniture

Upholstered furniture

Regular vacuuming and doing an annual or bi-annual deep cleaning are part of caring for upholstered furniture. As long as you follow the instructions carefully, deep cleaning with a rented machine is easier than you may think and a lot cheaper than hiring a pro. Get more information on routine and deep cleaning and for tips on choosing furniture fabrics that best suit your lifestyle.

Removing old stains and blotting up spills will also help keep your furniture looking fresh and clean.


Odds & ends

Wobbly chairs, uneven table legs and broken drawer corners are often part of the aging process. Fortunately, unlike creaky knees and fading eyesight, furniture can often be easily fixed. Better yet, you’ll only need basic tools and a bit of patience, as you’ll see in this guide to 10 DIY furniture fixes from Popular Mechanics.

There’s even a DIY solution if your dog has chomped on a chunk of furniture. As long as the piece is still structurally sound, the fix involves auto body filler, sandpaper and some persistence.


About the Author

Patrick Langston

Patrick Langston is the co-founder of All Things Home Inc. and a veteran journalist. He has written widely about the Ottawa housing industry since 2008.



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