

There’s a real cost to clutter in your home

There can be a real cost to clutter in your home and you may find it’s a high price to pay.

I am not talking about the cost of hiring a professional organizer to help you declutter and organize your home, although hiring one is not usually cheap. Most of us love what we do and would practically do it for free, but we are professionals and have high costs to running our businesses.

What I am really talking about is the emotional, physical and financial cost of having a lot of clutter and I hope this will give you a better understanding of the real cost.


Time: You can waste a lot of time trying to find items, and if you can’t find what you’re looking for and you really need it, there’s also the time it takes you to buy another one.

Buying items you already have: Ever ask yourself how much you think you have spent buying items you already had but couldn’t find? You might be surprised when you stop to think about it.

Buying items on sale: Even though you may not need them or use them, this is a classic example of spending when not necessary. Another example is buying more than you need because the larger package is a better deal, even though you’ll spend more and end up with items you don’t need.


Paying for storage: The cost of paying for a storage unit every month can really add up. Do you really need those items? Do you even remember what is in the storage unit? If you haven’t used them in several months, chances are you do not need them.

Upset family members: If there is one person responsible for the majority of the clutter in a home, it can upset other family members who are tired of dealing with the clutter, putting a strain on your relationship with your family.

Health: Having a lot of clutter can play a negative role on your health, contributing to conditions such as anxiety, depression, stress and asthma.


Embarrassment: It is not just the person who contributes to the clutter who is embarrassed, but family members as well. Often children or spouses who live in a cluttered home are too embarrassed to have friends over.

Safety: If there are too many items in a home, it can be unsafe to walk around. Falling over items, or items falling on you or family members, can be extremely dangerous.

Missed appointments or late fees: If your home is unorganized, there is a good chance your files and schedules will be unorganized as well.


Can you relate to any of these points? I used to be guilty of buying things on sale and not really needing them. (I am much better now.)

Originally posted March 21, 2018


About the Author

Kathy McEwan Second Set of Hands home organizer

Kathy McEwan

Kathy McEwan is an organizing and productivity expert who has helped hundreds of clients clear their home or office of clutter, get organized and simplify their lives.



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